The Eucharistic Revival movement has been an act of faith from the beginning:
Faith that Jesus desires to reveal himself more deeply in the Eucharist.
Faith that he has the power to heal, restore, and unify his people.
Faith that when the Lord extends an invitation, he will fulfill his promise.
Faith that when we prepare tinder, he will set it ablaze with his love.
Faith that when we gather in his name, he will show up.
And Jesus did show up! In an unprecedented National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, Jesus blessed the United States with his Real Presence in the shape of a cross—forming a giant Benediction over our whole nation. Lives were changed, hearts were ignited, and this powerful witness of Eucharistic faith continues to bear fruit in communities across the country.
July 17-21 2024, 60,000 Catholics gathered in Indianapolis for the first National Eucharistic Congress in nearly a century. Together we anticipated a fresh outpouring of grace and asked Jesus to set us ablaze with Eucharistic love. And we were not disappointed!
God showed up in power: lavishing his love upon his people, pouring out his holy fire, filling us with hope, and igniting a zeal for his Kingdom that has already propelled our Church into a new season of apostolic mission.
Please join us in praising the Lord for his unfailing generosity.
This movement is not over. We can’t wait to see what he has in store for the third year of the Revival—our Year of Mission! Stay tuned to find out how you can be a part of Walk With One, the flagship initiative for this next chapter. Come, Holy Spirit!
Plans are currently being made for the living out of the National Eucharistic Revival at Nativity. Among initiatives that will be introduced in the coming year will be:
Eucharistic Miracles display during the parish festival, Augustravaganza, August 11-12, 2023
A Morning of Reflection for Liturgical Ministers, September 30, 2023
Family Adoration, a family and kid friendly Holy Hour, October 28, 2023 and April 6, 2024
Forty Hours Devotion, November 5-7, 2023
Invite One Back campaign to invite people back to Mass with a kickoff of a Welcome Back Season on January 20/21, 2023
Encounter nights of formation, adoration, and community, March 3-5, 2024
Quarterly days of Eucharistic Adoration for Nativity Catholic School and ongoing scheduled Adoration times for various groups and prayer topics
Check this page often for updates on plans for the Eucharistic Revival at Nativity. For more information on any of these events, contact the Parish Office.