Thank you for your financial support of the mission and ministries of Nativity Catholic Church. Using the form below, you can set up a one-time or recurring donation toward Sunday Collections using a Credit Card, Debit Card, or as a withdrawal from a checking account (by selecting Check).
Payments toward Future Is Now Capital Campaign pledges may also be made through this portal. Please note in the comments below that the gift is for the Campaign.
You may also make a contribution to the St. Vincent de Paul Society Nativity Conference to assist needy neighbors in our parish. Please indicate "SVDP" in the comments section.
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One-time gifts are immediately processed and the transaction should appear on your bank/credit card statement within a few days.
If you chose to make a recurring gift, your first donation will process immediately. You are also allowed to choose the frequency of your gifts as well as a date on which the funds will be automatically withdrawn from a checking account or charged to a credit card. You can also pause or cancel a recurring gift at any time.
The online donations and payments system meets the same security standards as online banking. Plus, your online gifts cannot be lost or stolen. So as long as you are using a secure internet connection, online gifts can have fewer risks than carrying cash and checks. And there is instant tracking and recording of all transactions.
In order to make an online donation or payment, you must provide a current email address. After submitting your gift, you will receive an email confirmation to the address provided once the payment is posted.
With online giving there's no need for the parish to ever collect or store financial account information of parishioners. The processing and reporting through online giving is faster and more efficient for bookkeeping purposes, which saves time and labor on the church's end. And with more online gifts, the parish will have less amounts of cash to handle.
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